

20 January 2015

Boreham Wood Football Club is excited to offer all local youth teams and clubs a brand new fund raising initiative.

Our community department after discussions with two local youth football clubs, created a money making initiative that we believed would be beneficial for both parties. The idea was a very simple one and one that would help many of our local youth clubs. It was very successful and we have now decided to open up the initiative to all local youth teams and clubs.

So whether you’re a local youth club, or you are running a Cubs, Scouts, Athletics, Gymnastics. Rugby, football club or running other local clubs not mentioned, we want you to get in touch with us and if we can, we’ll help as many local youth clubs as possible, but it will need your participation for it to succeed.

It is hoped that with Boreham Wood FC now sitting top of the league and promotion to the Conference National Football a distinct possibility, that people will choose to come and support their local team. We hope our initiative will also attract younger fans, more families, more adults and in truth simply get more people through the turnstiles.

So if you run a local youth club or you manage a local youth team, then we’ll ensure we’ll make it beneficial to your club or team but you have to help us, to help you.

For every club or team manager that participates, Boreham Wood Football Club, will give each club match tickets to sell to their parents or friends, at a reduced rate of £8, which is a £5 reduction on our normal £13 entrance fee. This ticket also entitles ‘FREE’ entry, for up to two children aged under 16, saving you a further £14.

So we hear you ask, how will your youth club or team benefit with additional funds? Well on top of the £8 adult ticket and ‘FREE’ entry for two children under 16. Each Adult ticket purchased by your local club or team, will result in Boreham Wood FC donating £3 back to your participating youth club or team.

Our first attempt at doing anything like this, as we said only occurred at the recent home game against Wealdstone. The incentive worked so well, that In total 53 Tickets were purchased and that resulted in £159 being donated back into our local community clubs and it gave the opportunity for over 80 kids to come down, see our new stand, enjoy our improving facilities, watch our improved team and enjoy some Conference South league action that resulted in a late ‘WOOD’ victory.

With such a positive response, the Chairman has decided to run this our initiative for our next home game on against Basingstoke Town on Saturday, 31st January, kick off 3pm.

So should your local club or team wish to participate, please contact our Community Manager Charlie Hunter for further details on the club number 0208 953 5097 for further details and earn your club or team some much needed funds.


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